Insights & Blog

BS for Actuaries Series - Issue 2

Posted on
May 31, 2024
Posted by
Tom Craske

Issue 2 - Could spilling your coffee make you more successful?

Regardless of your seniority and the number of moves you’ve made during your career; interviews will always be a nerve-wracking experience and you never fully know what to expect. There are a lot of differing opinions of how to approach an interview but in reality there really isn’t a fool-proof guide to acing them - you don’t the know exact questions that will be asked, nerves may get the better of you, the role may be different to what was advertised, there could be technical difficulties (if online), or it may just be that you don’t get on with the hiring manager/interviewers and therefore not a good fit.

Despite this, there are several techniques based on scientific evidence that can improve your chances of being the favoured candidate and ultimately landing the job. Here are a few behavioural science principles and behavioural observations that you may find useful when preparing for your next job interview:


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