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Ask the Actuary Issue 5 - BWD Roundtable: Capacity Crunch in the BPA Market?

Posted on
June 6, 2024
Posted by
Rob Hammond

In May 2024, BWD hosted an exclusive roundtable to discuss constraints in the Bulk Purchase Annuity (BPA) market.

Six BPA insurers attended along with the superfund, Clara, and representatives from across the pensions industry.

Click below to read what those attending had to say on the existence (or otherwise) of Insurance Capacity and/or People Constraints, and for the latest ‘Jumbo Watch’ news...

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My thanks to Mark Cliff of Vidett Limited, Tiziana Perrella of Dalriada Trustees Limited, Ashu Bhargava of Clara and Adam Davis of K3 Advisory - along with everyone else who attended our BPA roundtable - for your views and insight.

Interested in attend any of our future Roundtables?

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